
All posts tagged choices

Okay, are you ready? I have a plan—-the background.

Published 03/17/2014 by writingismysavinggrace

So, the plan has been in motion since I graduated from college, but while I was at work today the plan has taken off. Today during my 6 month review, I received the following complaints (my explanation is in ()):

  • Speaks on the phone with food in mouth.  (I work for 12 hours and I don’t get a break- I have to ask for a bathroom break-I know TMI- so this sometimes happens, but it is rare.)
  • Need to wipe crumbs off things- including the carpet. (I bring my own plates to work and I am very careful with everything. I sanatize things before I leave work.)
  • Condescending towards the security guards (If I am, I really don’t know it. I say, “Thank you” every time)
  • Has a degree and thus is holier than thou. (I barely talk about that I have a degree because a lot of the people I am working with haven’t gone to college.)

But after the 6 month review I was thinking about how I never wanted to work at this place, it is not my choice. I will have to work hard but I think it is worth it if I can get to a job that I want and desire. So the next couple posts will be about my plans to get to my future dream job. It is a journey and my life will probably not be in the clouds, but I am sure that by the time I get there that it is completely worth it and I can’t wait for the future.